2017年度 物質生命理工学科コロキウム
Structures and mechanisms involved in RNA processing and transport
Dr. Benoît Masquida(本学客員教授、フランス国立科学研究機構 研究部長)
日時/場所 | 2018年3月12日(月)17:00-18:30 2号館411号室(2-411) |
講師にDr. Benoît Masquida(本学客員教授、フランス国立科学研究機構 研究部長)をお招きして、以下の内容でご講演いただきます。皆様お誘い合わせのうえご参加ください。*申込不要・参加無料・学生、学外の方の聴講歓迎
Structures and mechanisms involved in RNA processing and transport
Dr. Benoît Masquida(本学客員教授、フランス国立科学研究機構 研究部長)
During the last decade, RNA has gained more attention from researchers due to its involvement in all processes in all kingdoms of life. RNA functions are diverse, from gene regulation to catalysis. These functions result from folding and structures that are complex and intricate, highly dynamic and can be controlled by metabolites and protein factors. This presentation will focus on a couple of RNA structures and how these transmit signals for ongoing processes. The examples will uncover RNA catalysis by the Lariat-Capping ribozyme and RNA splicing control by an RNA-dependent kinase.
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