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  3. Tony K. M. Shing教授 最終講義(2017年度 物質生命理工学科コロキウム)

Tony K. M. Shing教授 最終講義(2017年度 物質生命理工学科コロキウム)

Tony K. M. Shing教授 最終講義
Prof. Tony K. M. Shing(本学海外招聘客員教員 / 香港中文大學)

日時/場所 2017年9月19日 (火) 15:30-17:00 6-201


 昨年9月より1年間に渡って本学の海外招聘客員教員として教鞭をとってくださいましたTony K. M. Shing教授(香港中文大學)の最終講義を、物質生命理工学科コロキウムとして以下の内容で開催いたします。

Tony K. M. Shing教授 最終講義
Prof. Tony K. M. Shing(本学海外招聘客員教員 / 香港中文大學)

Sugar-derived Amine Catalyzed Diels-Alder Reactions.
Enantioselective organocatalysis, employing small chiral organic molecules to promote different chemical transformations, has received widespread attention over the past decade.  Inspired by the powerful capabilities of aminocatalysis, our group has initiated a project to develop new chiral pyrrolidines with a mono-aryl group that would complement the existing diarylprolinol ether and imidazolidinone catalysis.  D-Arabinose was conveniently chosen as the starting material because of its built-in chirality and its ready commercial availability in large quantities for both enantiomers.  Chiral hydroxylated pyrrolidine catalysts were synthesized from D-arabinose in a straightforward manner.  Various aromatic substituents a to the amine can be introduced readily by a Grignard reaction, which enables facile optimization of the catalyst performance.  Applications of these chiral pyrrolidines to enantioselelctive intramolecular Diels-Alder reactions with and without de-symmetrization will be presented in the seminar.

A Brief Survey of the Tertiary Education System in the UK, Hong Kong, and Japan.
The speaker has had teaching experience in these 3 regions.  A brief comparison of the teaching methods,  grading/award systems, secretarial/administration support, and the student attitudes in these 3 regions will be presented.

