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  3. 2017年度 物質生命理工学科コロキウム

2017年度 物質生命理工学科コロキウム

An electrolyte-driven focus on biomass processing and electrochemically harvesting waste energy
Dr. Leigh Aldous (King’s College London)

日時/場所 2017年5月2日(火) 14:00–15:00 L-821(図書館内会議室)


 講師にDr. Leigh Aldous (King’s College London)をお招きして、以下の内容でご講演いただきます。皆様お誘い合わせのうえご参加ください。

An electrolyte-driven focus on biomass processing and electrochemically harvesting waste energy
Dr. Leigh Aldous (King’s College London)

This talk will describe some recent research performed in the Aldous group focusing upon the role of the electrolyte in novel routes aimed at turning waste into value added products; namely biomass and heat into electricity and feedstock chemicals. This includes biomass solvents, progress towards biomass-fueled air-batteries, and thermoelectrochemistry (for harvesting waste heat into an electrical current).

