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  3. 2016年度 物質生命理工学科コロキウム

2016年度 物質生命理工学科コロキウム

Functionalized Alkynes in Action – From Synthesis of Natural Products to Applications in Energy Materials and OLEDs
Dr. Bernhard Witulski(Normandy University, France)

日時/場所 2016年4月25日(月)15:15-16:45 L-821(図書館会議室)


 講師にDr. Bernhard Witulski(Normandy University, France)をお招きして、以下の内容でご講演いただきます。皆様お誘い合わせのうえご参加ください。

Functionalized Alkynes in Action – From Synthesis of Natural Products to Applications in Energy Materials and OLEDs
Dr. Bernhard Witulski(Normandy University, France)

Functionalized acetylenes are versatile building blocks displaying widespread reactivity patterns that result in a plethora of useful synthetic transformations and many of them are highly applicable in the synthesis of natural products or material oriented research. The first part of this presentation will summarize our efforts in the design and synthesis of nitrogen-substituted (ynamides) as well as other functionalized alkynes and their use in the synthesis of marine natural products. In the second part we will discuss our recent efforts on how alkyne-allene and alkyne-vinylidene rearrangements can be used for the synthesis of p-extended molecules applicable for organic electronics. The use of these molecules in sky-blue and white OLEDs, as well as OFETs will be shown. Furthermore controlled alkyne polymerization in confined space – microporous nano-sized zeolites – with the aim to achieve new hybrid materials for electronics will be presented.

