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  3. 2013年度 物質生命理工学科コロキウム

2013年度 物質生命理工学科コロキウム

Local Magnetic Fields for Positioning and Controlled Movement of Small Objects
講師:Prof. Arno Ehresmann (The University of Kassel, Germany)

日時/場所 2013年 9月 18日(水) 16:00-17:30 (11号館209号室)


 講師にProf. Arno Ehresmann (The University of Kassel, Germany) をお招きして、以下の内容でご講演いただきます。皆様お誘い合わせのうえご参加ください。

"Local Magnetic Fields for Positioning and Controlled Movement of Small Objects"

Artificial magnetic domain patterns can be fabricated in exchange biased magnetic bilayers and some other magnetic multilayer systems by ion bombardment induced magnetic patterning (keV He+ ion bombardment in combination with resist masks and an applied magnetic field during the bombardment). This technique enables a local modification of, e.g., the exchange bias field in magnitude and in direction. Remanently stable magnetic patterns (artificial domains) may be created without large changes in surface topography. These patterns allow also a tailoring of the associated magnetic strayfield landscapes. The talk will discuss the fundamentals for fabricating such artificial domain patterns and the use of the associated stray field landscapes for positioning of molecules, of superparamagnetic micro- and nanoparticles, the controlled movement of superparamagnetic particles by moving domain walls and the influence of magnetic stray fields on the wrinkling of molecular glasses. The application of controlled movement of superparamagnetic beads in a biosensor lab-on-a-chip device is discussed.

