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  3. 2013年度 物質生命理工学科コロキウム

2013年度 物質生命理工学科コロキウム

The Synthesis of N and O-Heterocycles through Palladium Mediated Domino Reactions
講師:Prof. Scott G. Stewart (The University of Western Australia)

日時/場所 2013年 6月 3日(月) 16:30-18:00 (L-821・図書館内会議室)


 講師にProf. Scott G. Stewart (The University of Western Australia) をお招きして、以下の内容でご講演いただきます。皆様お誘い合わせのうえご参加ください。

"The Synthesis of N and O-Heterocycles through Palladium Mediated Domino Reactions"

 The preparation of natural products utilizing palladium catalysed cross coupling reactions as a key step is fast becoming conventional in the organic synthetic laboratory. It is nevertheless true that many important opportunities remain, including the incorporation of domino type transformations. In the pursuit of efficient ring forming processes, several palladium catalysed domino reactions will be presented. Additionally these reactions will be discussed in relationship to natural product and fine chemical synthesis.

