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  3. 2012年度 物質生命理工学科コロキウム

2012年度 物質生命理工学科コロキウム

"Deep origins of Dictyostelid morphogenetic signalling in protist encystation and prokaryote biofilm formation"
講師:Prof. Pauline Schaap (Dundee University, UK)

日時/場所 2012年6月8日(金) 15:15~16:15 (11号館 221号室)


 講師にProf. Pauline Schaap (Dundee University, UK) をお招きして、以下の内容でご講演いただきます。なお、本講演は理工学部および男女共同参画推進室との共催となります。

"Deep origins of Dictyostelid morphogenetic signalling in protist encystation and prokaryote biofilm formation"

The Dictyostelid social amoebas represent one of nature’s several inventions of multicellularity. Nutrient stress triggers collection of amoebas into colonies that form delicately shaped fruiting structures in which the cells differentiate into spores and up to three cell types to support the spore mass. Cyclic AMP (cAMP) plays a very dominant role in development of the model species Dictyostelium discoideum controlling morphogenesis and the differentiation of spore cells. The polyketide DIF-1 was previously proposed to induce the other major  pathway of stalk cell differentiation, but studies by Saito and coworkers showed that its role is confined to induction of the basal disk and lower cup that respectively support the stalk and spore mass. By using a combination phylogenetic, genomic and molecular genetic approaches, we seek  to find correlations between the evolution  of  genes involved in developmental signalling in Dictyostelia and the evolution of multicellularity and phenotypic complexity in these organisms. Our work has revealed insight in  the trajectory of the evolution of cAMP signaling in Dictyostelia and the first eukaryote role of the prokaryote second messenger c-di-GMP in Dictyostelid stalk formation.

