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  3. 2011年度 物質生命理工学科コロキウム

2011年度 物質生命理工学科コロキウム

”A structural perspective of RNA functions and evolution”
Dr. Benoit Masquida (Universite de Strasbourg, IBMC-CNRS, France)

日時/場所 2011年6月20日(月) 13:30~14:15 8-309教室


ストラスブール大学(フランス)のBonoit Masquida博士に、機能性RNA分子の立体構造モデリングについてご講演いただきます。皆様お誘い合わせのうえご参加ください。
なおこの講演は、マックス・プランク研究所(ドイツ)のAndrea C. Vaiana博士による講演と連続(いずれも6月20日・3限)で行います。


A structural perspective of RNA functions and evolution

Structural analysis of RNA crystal structures show that RNA structural diversity results from an apparently limited number of motifs built from even more limited base-pair interactions. The functional diversity of RNA molecules ensues the way motifs are assembled to form larger assemblies that are capable of recognizing all kinds of substrates from small organic ligands such as metabolites or other cellular messengers to proteins and other RNAs. Catalytic RNAs called ribozymes, some of them being ubiquitous like the RNase P or the ribosome, can even carry out chemical reactions that are necessary for cellular functions. Strikingly, the property that RNAs are assembled from recurring motifs enables to model their three-dimensional (3D) structure. The method relies on comparative sequence analysis and experimental data obtained in vitro or in vivo and provides a good way of bypassing the tedious crystallographic methods when it is about getting fairly low resolution structural information.

Chairperson: Jiro KONDO

