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  3. 2011年度 物質生命理工学科コロキウム

2011年度 物質生命理工学科コロキウム

”Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Ribosomal Translocation based on Cryo-EM DATA”
Dr. Andrea C. Vaiana (Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry, Germany)

日時/場所 2011年6月20日(月) 14:15~15:00 8-309教室


マックス・プランク研究所(ドイツ)のAndrea C. Vaiana博士に、リボソームの分子動力学シミュレーションについてご講演いただきます。皆様お誘い合わせのうえご参加ください。
なおこの講演は、ストラスブール大学(フランス)のBenoit Masquida博士による講演と連続(いずれも6月20日・3限)で行います。


Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Ribosomal Translocation based on Cryo-EM Data

High-resolution structural studies of the ribosome have revealed many details of how the ribosomal machinery achieves efficient protein synthesis at the atomic level. These studies provide atomic resolution structures of the ribosome in well defined states along the protein assembly cycle. Unfortunately, these structures shed little light on intermediate states, transition pathways, and equilibrium states at physiological temperatures. Molecular dynamics simulations allow addressing these dynamical features of the ribosome while maintaining a faithful all-atom, explicit solvent representation of the system. We combine crystallographic and cryo-EM data with molecular dynamics simulations to target the elongation phase of protein synthesis. Using fitted models as starting points we performed molecular dynamics simulations to obtain a picture of the ribosome in different states of transfer RNA translocation. Analyzing the main modes of motion along the simulation trajectories provided insight into the concerted motion of different parts of the ribosome during elongation.

Chairperson: Jiro KONDO

